C.C. Little Building
## The Clarence Cook Little Building represents much than a bus destination

The C.C. Little building today
- Built in 1925 for the medical school by famed Detroit and Ann Arbor architect Albert Kahn who designed many buildings on campus.
- Now houses many Natural Sciences departments. (Department of Microbiology box 1951-1979).
- The building is situated on the northeast corner of the original parameters of the Central Campus Diag. The building is constructed in a triangular shape on the corner and features Ionic columns and a brick facade.
- Named after Clarence Cook Little, University of Michigan president from 1925-1929, in the first year of his term (VanEyck 1965; “Inauguration of Clarence Cook Little…” 1925).
- There has been recent controversy over the naming rights to this building as its namesake supported eugenics during his lifetime. (Meer, 2017). This controversy comes in the midst of a climate of ongoing between the public and the University over who has the right to name buildings that affect many people logistically and emotionally. (Meer, 2017; VanEyck 1965).
- “C.C. Little” is also the site of a major bus stop all University and many Ann Arbor buses. (Meer, 2017).
- As seen below, the C.C. Little Building has ample research and laboratory facilities as well as lecture hall space, classrooms and offices for professors.
- While many students may walk by the C.C. Little building everyday and not give it a second thought, this architecturally and historically significant structure has a curious history and is worth exploring as it approaches its one hundredth birthday ([Clarence Cook Little Papers] 1924).

Lab space in the C.C. Little building.
- Department of Microbiology University of Michigan records 1951-1979 , 1959-1970. (Photographs and files). Call number 87146 Bimu C46 2
- Inauguration of Clarence Cook Little, SC.D., L.L.D. As President of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Monday, November the Second, Nineteen Hundred Twenty-five. [Ann Arbor, 1925.]
- Little, Clarence C, and Henry Moore Bates. [Clarence Cook Little Papers], 1924.
- Meer, Jennifer. “University community debates building names’ legacy after new policy” The Michigan Daily January 26, 2017 https://www.michigandaily.com/section/news/university-community-responds-new-policy-will-allow-names-campus-buildings-be-changed
- Potter, E.G. 44 North-east section of Ann Arbor, Mich. showing University of Michigan property and buildings (Photographs), 1920.
- VanEyck, Daniel K.. President Clarence Cook Little And the University of Michigan. , 1965.
Image credits
“C.C. Little Science Building.” The Greek U-M Campus. University of Michigan, College of Literature, Science and the Arts. n.d https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&ved=0ahUKEwjQyPPcv8XTAhVq5YMKHVHkA40QjxwIAw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fsites.lsa.umich.edu%2Fgreekcampus%2Fcentralcampus%2Fcc-little-building%2F&psig=AFQjCNE7CDUnH_0mauZr9zb6z5vT6WI9iA&ust=1493412092054563
“Michigan Geomicrobial Lab.” University of Michigan, College of Literature, Science and the Arts. http://www.earth.lsa.umich.edu/geomicrobiology/Lab.html